Foraging for poetry
An elemental journey of intimacy with the wild
From a young age I sought solace in nature, and in words. Initially, writing was a way of making meaning of a difficult childhood, but as I grew older I began to feel uneasy without the comfort of my journal at my side. Writing had become part of me, and it was time spent at Arvon in my late teens that helped me to discover that even my earliest ramblings in some way constituted poetry.
In recent years, this process of meaning-making has grown into a relational dance with the natural world. My poetry has become a profoundly central element of my creative expression and blossoming connection to nature. Born of moments of deep intimacy with my ever-changing inner landscape in relationship to this wild, beautiful and elemental world. This aspect of my writing is sometimes described as ‘foraging for poetry’ and captures many aspects of this great journey home.
Just as it is unwise to arrive upon new shores, anticipating the discovery of wild rosehips or Chanterelles, so it is impossible to predict what, if anything, might fall into one’s basket whilst foraging for words.
All we can ever respond to is a call from the land. A call to show up, alive in the body and subtle in our gaze. Attuned to the sights, sounds and aromas, the tastes and textures of life that awaken our senses and re-unite us with our intuition.
Allowing all that is to permeate our perception so we might, momentarily, experience the dissolution of our separation. Then, only when we have surrendered to the uniqueness of this present moment, might we allow the precious gifts of our interconnectedness to arrive and land fully in our hearts.